Peace of mind regarding physical safety is important for women, men and (particularly) children. The freedom to go skyclad (naked) is restricted to the designated firepit(s) at night and at your own campsite, if your campsite is in a secluded area that not visible to the public. In keeping with the standards of the surrounding community we ask that there be no full nudity at the beach area. Raven’s Knoll expects its members and guests to treat each other, the community and our neighbours, with dignity and respect.
Unacceptable Behaviour
– persistent staring, stalking or following;
– voyeuristic positioning;
– crowding of personal space;
– masturbation, other sexual acts or displays;
– any aggressive acts or threatening body language;
– unauthorised photography; and/or
– any videography.
Unwelcome Communications
– any unwanted advances, remarks, suggestions, solicitations, propositions, gestures, threats, ridicule, innuendo or comments of a crude, racial, homophobic, transphobic or sexual nature;
– persistent attempts to engage another person in clearly undesired conversation; and/or
– unsolicited comments about a person’s body, particular anyone’s primary or secondary sexual characteristics.
Unpermitted Touching
– any presumptuous touching of another persons’ body without their consent (including hugs, kisses, massages or other familiarities);
– any intentional touching of a minor without parental consent; and/or
– ANY public fondling of a sexual nature or public sexual act.

Raven’s Knoll staff and guests are urged to help maintain our relaxed, family-friendly atmosphere by reacting, in a timely manner, to any situation they feel is unacceptable by the above definitions. If possible, make your disapproval or unease known as soon as possible to the person who offended you, in an attempt to resolve the situation. If the behaviour persists or if you do not wish to speak with that person, bring it to the attention of one of the executive organizers (Maryanne Pearce or Austin Lawrence) or (if applicable) the head of the KG festival’s security team (Badger Jones), or RK head of security, TomyHawk. Complaints will be responded to and investigated without delay. Confidentiality is always respected (except where it cannot be due to criminal prosecution or other legal requirements). Sexual harassment, as defined above, can result in immediate expulsion from Raven’s Knoll, revocation of memberships and/or the privilege of attending this (or, at the discretion of other festival organizers, other festivals) and, where warranted, could lead to criminal prosecution.
The safety and security of festival goers is of prime importance to Raven’s Knoll.